I guess you have figured out that I have been down for awhile. No new posts until tonight.
I wasn't up to doing all this left-handed(non dominate hand). I am so glad this was only temporary. My right hand had carpal tunnel surgery, and I had a 75% tear in my right rotator cuff repaired. I just got my stitches out of my hand and shoulder and cast off my right hand. Makes it considerably easier to type. I have started rehabing my shoulder and all the pain is coming back to me. Joy! I have about 3 1/2 weeks left in the sling, but think I'll be ok with that.
Best part, if there is a best part, is I'll be off work for about 9 1/2 more weeks. It will be nice to be home every night and be able to have Christmas without the pain of work on top of everything else. well I hope this all explains my lack of blogsmanship lately, and I promise more soon.
Love to all and Merry Christmas!