I don't guess now I'll get a post off until after vacation. We are leaving in the next hour for Texas. Ah, to be in Texas again.... Anywho, We'll be down to the boys for a few days. Then to Galveston. Back to the boys. Then to Arlington and DFW for a week. Can't wait to be back home for a while. You never know, I may just stay.
More when we get back.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Oh No!!!! A new Post?
Nope, I'm not gonna post untill Rhonda posts something new and Angela puts on some new pictures. Hope to talk to y'all soon...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

OK, OK, OK I haven't blogged in a while. Probably not since I went back to work. I work too much, and when I get a day off, I usually don't spend it in front of the computer. I usually have to catch up on all the other stuff.
Anyway Justin tagged me, so I guess I just gotta do this thing. So here goes!
5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
1. My wife and I were living in what around here goes for the country. Trailer, Barn, 10 acres.
2. We had a couple of horses we could ride, kinda, one actually rode me. Down for 30 days.
3. Working the same job I am now, but we worked 8 hr shifts and rotated 3 shifts. now its 12 hr shifts and rotate days/nights.
4.Started hunting up here for the first time in many years. totally different than in Texas.
5. Made more trips to Texas than these days to see my boys.
5 things on my to do list for today:
1. Go to work for a couple of hours(5) to do some project work. Get to set my own hours on this one. finish what i started yesterday.
2. spend some time with wife and Logan after work. Something other than dying on the couch after work.
3. Work in the garden. A little behind on this one and don't see catching up today.
4. Watch Semi-Pro. I like Will Ferrell movies even if they are high schoolish some times.
5. Catch up on sleep tonight, night shift tomorrow, after I try to call the boys.
5 Snacks I enjoy:
1. Ice Cream, almost any kind
2. White Corn chips and Ranch dip
3. Chocolate Whoppers
4. Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies, It's a damn shame they only sell these once a year. Good thing I've got a big deep freezer.
5. Circus Peanuts. The orange marshmallow kind.
These are in no particular order, all at one time or just mixed with ice cream is cool...oh, did I mention ice cream?
What 5 things would I do if I were a billionaire:
1. Pay off all my bills, all my families bills. Set up all my family with a fund that will allow them to work or retire and travel. Their choice.
2. Hunt for all the game I dreamed of as a kid, bear, moose, elk, etc.
3. Travel and see the places I want when I want.
4. Move back to Texas, I'd like to live there a while again, before I die.
5. Buy some ice cream.
5 of my bad habits: What just 5?
1.I smoke cigars and dip tobacco.
2. Chew my fingernails.
3.Procrastinate on some things.
4. Don't see my kids enough. Not near enough.
5. I'm vain. I really don't want to go bald anytime soon.
I shoulda mentioned ice cream in there somewhere.
What 5 places have I lived:
1. Arlington, Texas
2. Princeton, Texas
3. Pocahontas, Arkansas
4. Jonesboro, Arkansas
5. Brookland, Arkansas
5 Places I have worked:
1. Six Flags over Texas, and various other food establishments until I was about 21.
2. City of Arlington - Water Utilities 11 yrs.
3. Had my own Lawn and landscaping business. Worked this and some remodeling for about 5 yrs.
4. Worked for American Airlines5 - 5yrs. Worked at a car brokerage that moved high line cars across the US at the same time - almost 6 years
5. I currently work for Kraft Foods here in Arkansas. I work at their Post Cereal Plant. They just sold us to Ralcorp and I'll be working for them as of August 1st. For at least the next 2 yrs. - 11 yrs for Kraft.
5 People I could Tag....you gotta be kidding? Everybody I know that blogs has already done this. I'm the bottom of the blog pool. How's this? I tag myself 5 times. When you get through reading this read it 5 more times, cause I just tagged myself.
Hope you all enjoyed this and stop by again sometime....Oh did I mention I love ice cream.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Logan is 2 Today!

I doubt this picture looks too good, but you get the idea. Mom took the time to make a card and send it in to PBS Kids Sprout morning show. They read it this morning. The one and only day Logan slept in. I was doing going back to work junk, but Mom caught it on TV. You can see it on there web site too.
Mom made a train cake that Logan picked out, and decorated the room up real nice. She can be so creative when she wants to. Well, all the in-laws will be here soon so, I'll post some camping pictures later. Love y'all and miss y'all a bunch!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
That suck's
I have to go to work next Monday. First day back since December 5th. I guess I'm ready, but don't really want to go. I have loved to spend time with mom and Logan. I didn't get to see my boys Justin and Nick since Justin and Angela's Wedding. That sucks too. Go back and have to hit it full bore to catch up on the bills. Hope to have some time and money to see the boys soon. More later, and some camping pictures too.
Love y'all
Love y'all
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Goin' Camping
This has been the first weekend of the year for the past couple of years, that we go camping. Unfortunately, like last year, most everything is flooded up here. Like last year, for the last 2 weeks, we have had about 10-12 inches of rain. Every creek, river, ditch and lake is running over. So, to get to our campsite that is about 30 miles away, we have to drive about 45 to get there. I hope to bring back some pictures and post when we get back. Justin can tell about the lazy river we canoed on up in the hills. It is about 1 mile across now and has flooded many towns, homes and roads closed.
Doesn't this sound like a fun weekend coming.
Doesn't this sound like a fun weekend coming.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Actually the two trees in the pictures below with snow are now gone. Just had to throw that in.
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