We made our annual trek to the Northeast Arkansas District Fair. Kind of a mid-sized fair but not as small as say a county fair. We get out for the night and sometimes even see a decent band. This year, Logan got to experience the lights, sounds and midway. I actually wanted Rhonda to enter some of her photo's she had taken this year but it turned out to be too late for that. Save them now for next year.Maybe by then we can perfect some canned goods or jelly to enter too. Anyway, we saw a number of old friends we hadn't seen in a while and got caught up on whats going on in our corner of the world.
Logan had a great time on the midway, seeing the games and checking out the rides that maybe he can ride in a few years. His highlight of the evening was, see all the 4 wheelers and big tractors. He got to sit in the drivers seat on some big tractors. Getting him down off them was his low point of the night. Here are a couple of pictures of the night.
The rides are always my favorite part too. Everything else fades away when we hit the midway.
I love fairs!
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