Tuesday, November 6, 2007

That's why they call it work!

Yes, just as I had imagined, work sucked. For some odd reason they still think I am 30 years old and invincible. NOT! Never have been either since I started working there. I've worked at this company for 10 years now and nothing has ever changed for the good.I've had 2 days off in 2 weeks. Thank goodness I have some vacation scheduled for next weeks Deer Season. OK enough gripes.

I go back to the deer woods Friday. I told my family I would take my camera too this time and hope to bring back some photo memories of what the place can hold in beautiful sights. Hope to bring back enough meat to fill the freezer too. I'd say it was a waste of time otherwise, but it gives me a break from the job I love so much. (insert sarcasm here).

More when I get back...Love to all