Sunday, January 6, 2008

OK, My wife is a confirmed Guitar Hero Addict! For those of you that have played you may understand her affliction. For those of you that have passed the mass of 'tweens in Wal-mart in the electronics section and thought they needed a better hobby, try it, it is fun and just about anybody can do it. Here is a screen shot. I have to add if you've only seen it on those screens at Wal-mart it doesn't do it justice. It is awsome on a big screen!
Now if I can just find a way to hook it into the home theater system....... and get her to let me play....... No, No I'm not addicted!


rhonda romack said...

May I state that mt husband is just as much addicted as I am so phtttt!!!! I love you honey.

Angela said...

So that's why she doesn't blog...the game looks fun!