Saturday, January 12, 2008

Therapy sux

Well I started therapy this week. I went to a clinic to learn how to make my shoulder move again. I thought the surgery hurt! This stuff hurts like*&$#. Have to do this at home twice a day too. What do these people think I am, some kinda million dollar man or something? OK, OK, it's not that bad but it does bring pain with it. I'll suffer through. I am in no hurry to get back to work though. I know how they will treat me when I get back.

Enough of that. I got football to watch and less than 1 month until NASCAR. WooHoo!!


Romack said...

Good grief...slow down with the blog updates. At this rate, you are going to blog yourself into a frenzy - and no telling what that will do to your shoulder!

Just kidding. We enjoy seeing new posts! Hope you get to feeling better.

Memories; Past Present and Future said...

I had to throw the wrestling one in just for you.